
Fortune Medical Instrument Corp. 富強醫材股份有限公司

Resuscitator,Silicone Wound Drainage System,Foley Catheters,Stomach (Feeding)

Home > Products > Silicone Nasal Epistaxis Balloon
Silicone Nasal Epistaxis Balloon
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Update date 2024-04-10 16:00
- 100% medical grade silicone for superior biocompatibility.
- Inflatable flexible balloon provides direct uniform pressure.
- Soft and beveled tip facilitates insertion and minimizes trauma.
Larger balloon can be inflated up to 30cc to control anterior nasal bleeding.
- Smaller balloon can be inflated up to 10cc to control posterior nasal bleeding.
- Airway channel design allows nasal breathing.
- Unique pilot balloon design allows cuff monitoring to prevent over-pressure.
- Ideal for nasal packing for septoplasty, rhinoplasty and intra-nasal surgical procedure.